Cambridge Science Festival 2022
Special events on October 8 and 9
MIT Open Space
Join us during the Cambridge Science Festival to explore cancer research at MIT.
Saturday, October 8 at 2 p.m.
KI Images on the Runway
MIT/Kendall Open Space (map)
Check out cutting-edge fashion inspired by cutting-edge science. Designed by youth from the Boston Arts Academy with motifs based on images in the KI Public Galleries, these innovative styles and garments will walk the runway as part of the Festival's first-ever Fashion Day. The show will be followed by a brief talk-back with the researchers whose work inspired the designs.
Learn more and reserve your free ticket now.
Sunday, October 9 from 12-4 p.m.
Cancer Research Superheroes
MIT/Kendall Open Space (map)
Biology happens at the nanoscale. On National Nano Day, join scientists and engineers from MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research and the Marble Center for Cancer Nanomedicine to design tumor-fighting tools inspired by MIT research. Tap into your scientific superpowers as you explore the world of the very small.
Learn more