Community values

Interconnected clusters of different colored dots and lines

Shalek Lab researchers combined machine learning with RNA expression sequences of 45,782 cells from 14 organs to create this atlas of healthy cell physiology. Representing various cell subpopulations (dots) and their relationships (lines), this map of cell behavior may help studies of human diseases such as HIV and cancer. Credit: Carly Ziegler, Shaina Carroll, Leslie Kean, Alex Shalek (2019 Image Award winner)

Community values

The Koch Institute was established to accelerate the fight against cancer by bringing researchers from different disciplinary perspectives to work together. We believe that the success of our endeavors depends on a research model that encourages and values contributions by individuals with a range of academic training and exposure to various fields of research and drawing on a rich variety of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds.

All colleagues at the Koch Institute, including faculty, staff, students and postdocs, share the responsibility to foster an inclusive, collaborative community that supports our principles, strengthens our research, and increases the capacity of all community members to have a positive impact on one another and the world.

We expect all members of our community to support one another, beginning with respectful and compassionate interactions and the prioritization of the mental and physical health of their colleagues. We provide training and resources to advance professional development and provide educational programming related both to scientific research and essential workplace skills. We promote community and connection by organizing events and other opportunities for community members to gather, learn from one another, and discover new opportunities to collaborate with and support one another.

Photo of Matt Vander Heiden

Photo credit: Steve Boxall

The Koch Institute is a unique community that, through our commitment to cross-disciplinary collaboration, works to solve the most difficult problems in cancer. The Koch Institute deeply values the creativity various perspectives bring to improve the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of cancer. We are committed to supporting a community that fosters inclusion and belonging. Here, we work to ensure different perspectives can be shared openly, respectfully, and thoughtfully to advance our mission to reduce the burden of cancer on society.

Matthew Vander Heiden, Director